#1 problem. No dad there.
The police (state agents) are called by the woman to be the dad.
This is the liberal solution and they are just so damn happy it has worked out this way for this woman and child, and the millions of other families they’ve helped stay dysfunctional by their deliberate policies they’ve enacted in their 50 year WAR ON FAMILIES.
Back in the old days there were fathers at home who scared their sons straight.
The problem is moms are not male fathers. They just cannot demand the respect of a puberty-riddled, smartass knowitall boy. They can embarrass him and plead to him and that might work. However it won’t get his respect and he will not fear them or respect them because he knows he’s stronger and if he really wanted to he could do whatever he wanted. Male fathers will not tolerate that crap and will beat the living crap out of them and then beat both the fear of God and common sense back into them. If that is what is required because the kid is that much of a brick head. Most don’t need such a harsh remedy. Most would see dad isn’t kidding and will see dad will put them down, and back down because they know they are not the alpha.
Women cannot be an alpha male. That is why there is so little success with urban black boys with no dads. It’s not possible for them to be that way. It’s like asking a dad to take on the alpha female role.
Course our stupid country will not let dads be dads anyway anymore. And so we end up with the Trayvons and the Freddies and the rest who run in feral gang thug packs seeking the approval of the substitute father alpha male gang leader.
Why is the fact that so many black children that don't have fathers is not discussed? Oh right, that would be "racist".
Ya know what? I'm tired of ignoring that HUGE elephant in the room. It's been a long time fact that black men knock up black women and move on to their next piece of tail. What is wrong with black men? Why don't they have any sense of responsibility to their own children?
What? Their ancestors were oppressed so they think they can just walk away? Is that their excuse? If not, what the hell is their excuse for not supporting their own children??? I'm sick of black men not supporting their own children while they push and shove for the next Jordans.
Thanks a lot guys. I used to be on your side back when, you've shown me it was a waste of my time. You black men who leave their children are just awful. Hope you all die in some ally or shot down by your gangster Bros. FU all.
Considering some Nosy Nancy’s would report her to DCF if she spanked her child I think she did the perfect thing to enforce the notion of natural consequences
I have no problem with that. Some people, children included, can't see or hear a thing until they get smacked with a 2X4.
maybe a little corporal punishment earlier would’ve stopped the disrepect now. Guess that’s old school parenting.
Sounds like the old days...
My father used to tell me how the police, back in his day, would “scare” young boys with an “arrest” and a ride in the police car for, say, sneaking into a movie theater.
But, in this case, the problem is that there’s no father in the home. And, even with a father in the home, he would have to be a good father, or this boy still would lack a good role model.
I put my sons into church youth groups and in activities with strong male role models, such as scouts, etc. I hope these moms are looking into those things, too.
God bless this mom, the officers, and her lucky little boy for waking up.
I’m hoping this becomes a trend. I think most peope are sick and tired of he ghetto / thug culture which has everything to do with all the riots the past few years. Fathers on the scene would definitely curtail it as long as they’re not thugs themselves.
Perhaps a tragedy has taken their father and her husband, but I can’t help thinking that’s not the case. It’s a shame that this had to happen, because it reinforces the state “fathering” children. It’s the commie concept of it takes a village.
Where’s the father?
First, the obvious lack of a father figure explains this mom's difficulty.
Second, there is no mention made of plans for responsible follow up by any of the male sperm donors, or potential father figures who are related -- or even some faith clergy offering routine faith guidance.
This temporary disciplinary result will fade quickly once these fatherless children get wind of their story going viral, particularly because of the current racially driven anti-police climate - the potential for this effort to backfire badly is yet a sad possibility.
Ten years ago, my family was torn apart by the molestation of my young daughter by a family friend, which lead to divorce. It was horrible. She was living with me (mom) and angry. Her dad was no help at all. We were both in counciling (it can help), but she decided one day that she wasn’t going to go and got pretty belligerent. I gave her the choice; either get in my car or I would call the sheriff and they could take her. She didn’t believe me, so I called and they came. They talked to her, then she got in my car.
They told me that they would much rather help at that point rather that down the road if/when things got worse.
It made quite an impression on her, and she has never forgotten it and told me several times that it is one of the best things I had ever done for her.
She is now 23, a smart kid who finished school, went on to college, is responsible and conservative. She learned that ultimately she was responsible for her behavior and it’s outcome. She won’t put up with friends that blame everyone else for their problems either. And at her age in this generation, that is quite a few.
I say good for that mom. She loves her kid, because that isn’t an easy thing to do.
The man dismissed that... "can't make that happen with a magic wand." His solution was mentoring...getting fraternities and sororities (I infer these to be community organizations) to step in in loco parentis. His solution seemed to be anything BUT two parent families.
The woman pointed out how strange was the uproar over Freddie Gray in light of, I believe eight young black males being killed by black males in Baltimore in the past week. And that for the first time in history, the leading cause of 12 year old black males is murder.
It was a pretty good back and forth, except Gerry interrupted in the middle to run a different piece on rebuilding neighborhoods burned out in 1968. I believe I heard him say that she had been a caller on his radio show. She was awesome. One last thing I recall...She and her HUSBAND raised a son in NYC who had never been accosted, questioned, patted down or arrested. She stated that that raising included teaching their son to act as a respectable human being in the way he dressed, spoke and interacted with other human beings.
Too bad she couldn’t just say “wait til your Dad gets home”.
Oh wait there is no DAd.