it is worth noting that our imported indian brothers work for lesser pay, don’t do better work, I know that first hand, and voted 70 percent for Obama.
I’d rather have an illegal working 75 hours a week living six in a house and owning their own house in 6 years and passing a hard work ethic to their kids than a smug SOB who is going to undercut real professional wages and vote for Hillary anyway. go ahead. attack.
I’m still for Cruz but not for overflow of B1s or whatever they’re called. Wouldn’t google and Microsoft and Facebook just love that.
I see where you are coming from. What it all boils down to is whose job is in peril. If it is yours, well than immigration is bad. If it is the other poorer guy’s job, well screw him, who cares. My advice, form your own computer company than you will not have to worry about LEGAL Indian immigrants taking your job.
>> it is worth noting ...
Interesting points.
US labor is definitely at a crossroads, and the momentum doesn’t show any signs of reversing.
I’m guessing the beltway support for illegal labor is about displacing the indolent ones. And I bet the GOPe believes that once “legalized” and subject to regular taxation, the illegals won’t necessarily support welfare policies nor the Democrats that promote them.