Mandatory education should end after completion of eight grade or age 16, whichever comes first. K-8 should be enough time to educate people in the basic 3 subjects. After that, it should be voluntary to continue and receive free education.
Free education if not valued should not be forced on people who don't want it and usually only want to cause trouble for people who do want it.
This truancy jailing stuff is wrong. Just cut them loose
“This truancy jailing stuff is wrong.”
I agree. If anyone, it’s the parents who should be the ones to go to jail. Just my opinion, but the buck must stop with the parents, regardless of whether they ‘’are together’ or not.
Man up; woman up.
Isn’t it money in the pockets of the company that owns the jails?
Fines are a ridiculous way to treat people. In California 1/6 of drivers have lost their license because they can’t pay fines. I know two people in Florida who have lost their licenses because of fines unrelated to driving. It plunged them into poverty, but we compensate by giving them welfare. Something is wrong with this.
My county has a budget item in the income column called “Code Enforcement Fines.” It’s half a million dollars. But, you might ask, happens if nobody violates the codes? The answer is there are so many that everybody is in violation of something 15 minutes a day. They need that money to feed the ever growing government.
I hope Serena gets back into school soon. Meantime, “she may want to stay away from the Deep Dish Pizza”, to quote Chris Wallace.
Can’t have that. The purpose of government schools is to provided income to teachers union members so their dues can be shuttled to Democrats.
“Don’t send them to jail, just kick them out of school. They don’t want to be there anyway and are just a drain on everyone who wants to be there.”
I agree that sending the kids to jail is not the correct approach. The problem lies in the fact that most these kids don’t have a decent role model in their life, traditionally their parents. Once they are out of school at that young age, if they are not self motivated to enter the work force, most likely they’ll become an even worse drain on society, and without some sort of ‘come to Jesus’ moment, they may be a lifetime drain. That DOES seem to be the plan of those running our country right now anyway.
Do you suppose you’re opening another can of worms?
Texas Truancy Code provides for this penalty. The Legislature is in
session and some discussion has been held and the State Senate passed a
bill to decriminalize truancy. Time will tell if it becomes law.
Texas Senate approves measure to decriminalize truancy
So I can see the Liberals doing a pity party for those who get kick out, choose not to get an education after 8th grade or age 16. Let’s see, welfare benefits, food, housing funds because the poor kids didn’t finish school. They can’t get a job because they don’t have a HS diploma, no GED, blah blah. These kids will just be another type of burden on our already burdened cash flow system.