Talking to a woman neighbor the other day and we were talking about the house being bought down the road.
One person said they had seen the guy but the wife or girlfriend is never about.
I said in a tongue and cheek comment that maybe it will be a homosexual guy who won’t show the other homosexual until they take control of the house.
The elderly woman neighbor “I love to watch the today show” and has no idea what goes on in the world woman neighbor stated that it would be good because they make the best neighbors.
Another neighbor asked have you ever lived near one or know of one and she replied no.
This is what we are against, ignorance. These people have no idea about what goes on unless they are told by the Today show or GMA and think they are told the truth.
When in Boston the Priests were caught touching little boys the headlines for their local TV news channels were “ Crisis in the Church” Never a mention about that these Priests were homosexuals and there is a problem in the homosexual community.
I have relatives who get their “news” from MSNBC and what used to be the “Air America” lineup. There is no hope.