For years and years the Rats have pummeled republicans running for national or statewide office on abortion issue. Anyone Recall how Todd Akin, and Richard Mourdock’s campaign flamed out. Rand Paul is the first candidate I have observed to have performed a jujitsu on the democrats on this issue. Brilliant! I give credit where credit is due.
Give Rand Paul credit for revealing that he isn’t so prolife and in fact is pro-choice?
What he calls “”In general, I am pro-life””
The thing is about abortionand about a lot of thingsis that I think people get tied up in all these details of, sort of, youre this or this or that, or youre hard and fast (on) one thing or the other, Paul told Elliott. Ive supported both bills with and without (exceptions), you know. In general, I am pro-life.