Yo Sup..
Im feeling like an “African” American this morning.
This afternoon who knows ..i might me get all kinna hispanic for a while
This is stupid ...gender is not fluid at all it...it a physical characteristic at the most basic DNA level XX or XY.
race is a fluid characteristic in that it can be any dna mix from one end of the spectrum to the other..
and then ethnicity is truly just cultural
Anyone familiar with the attire, attitude and tastes of white suburban high school kids can safely answer, "Yes."
I always fill out black or Native American on forms.
I think it saved me .5% on my mortgage.
The flip side of this idea has been around for a long time. To the Left, you aren’t really “black,” or “gay,” or “Asian,” or “Latino” or a “woman” if you hold conservative positions.
Someone could identify as Napoleon, but we wouldn’t be obliged to call them “Your Majesty”. Traditionally, we would bring them to a place where they could get the professional help they need.
Race is not the same thing as “ethnicity”.... Hispanic is not a race, the title is misleading, regardless of what he checked in the box.
I think all white and black people in America should declare themselves Hispanic, and illegal aliens so we can git us some of that free obamamoney and free licenses, and free college educamation, and free welfare, and free food stamps, and free healthcare, and never have to worry about being pulled over by police or else we scream ‘racial profiling’