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To: Timber Rattler
32 posted on
04/13/2015 9:10:47 AM PDT by
(I won't be reconstructed.)
To: Timber Rattler
NO way would I ever vote for another liberal idiot that wants to give foreigners more of my tax money by granting them food stamps, free housing, disability pay (for not speaking English, kid you not!) , etc, etc, etc.
We all pay more in taxes that the majority of people earn in this country. More than 51% of people present in this country (many not even citizens) receive money from Uncle Sugar. About half of Adults earn a living at all.
38 posted on
04/13/2015 9:43:29 AM PDT by
(Islam should be outlawed and treated as a criminal enterprise!)
To: Timber Rattler
39 posted on
04/13/2015 9:44:43 AM PDT by
To: Timber Rattler
Wish Rubio was not giving up his Senate seat.
To: Timber Rattler
Well the RINO base is covered.
44 posted on
04/13/2015 9:55:26 AM PDT by
(B. Hussein Obama: 15 acts of Treason and counting.)
To: Timber Rattler
The Ice Cream Man runneth:
To: Timber Rattler
He can tell it to the ILLEGAL aliens he loves more than American CITIZENS, let them vote for him with their stolen identities.
57 posted on
04/13/2015 10:58:54 AM PDT by
(Almighty Jehovah, deliver us from this evil, in Jesus name, amen.)
To: Timber Rattler
Rubio will not get my vote, but how is a 14th Amendment child considered “natural born”?
58 posted on
04/13/2015 10:59:59 AM PDT by
("The Taliban is on the inside of the building" E. Nordstrom 10-10-12)
To: Timber Rattler
NO THANKS to little Senator Amnesty
67 posted on
04/13/2015 12:24:52 PM PDT by
(a real American would rather die on his feet than live on his knees.)
To: Timber Rattler
Hopefully he can split the RINO vote.
72 posted on
04/13/2015 1:48:17 PM PDT by
(The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.)
To: Timber Rattler
Rubio should list Cuba as his home and Jeb can list Mexico has his home. Then let someone legitimate run.
To: Timber Rattler; All
He’s on Fox News live right now
77 posted on
04/13/2015 3:10:58 PM PDT by
(Benghazi-LIES/CoverupIRS-LIES/DOJ-NO Justice-/Treason/TerrorStateSupport IMPEACH!)
To: Timber Rattler
no teleprompter. how refreshing!
80 posted on
04/13/2015 3:19:38 PM PDT by
(We live in dangerous times.)
To: Timber Rattler
Rubio is a day old cuban sandwich, fresh out of the microwave.
81 posted on
04/13/2015 3:24:48 PM PDT by
(A Ted Cruz Happy Warrior! GO TED!)
To: Timber Rattler
83 posted on
04/13/2015 4:09:55 PM PDT by
(WSC: The truth is incontrovertible; malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end...)
To: Timber Rattler
He brings youth, Latinos and FLA to the table. He’s young polished and has FOX news in his pocket. Krauthammer is right. He’s the odds on favorite to be next president.
To: Timber Rattler
Well.. honestly Rubio is not even in my top three, but I would prefer him by a mile over Bush.
I could bring myself to vote for Rubio if he were the nominee, especially if he fesses up to the massive mistake he made hooking up with the gang of immigration traitors led by McCain.
But I will never vote for Bush. If Bush is the nominee, I will stay home and watch Hitlery be corinated
89 posted on
04/13/2015 8:06:24 PM PDT by
(Obama lied .. the economy died.)
To: Timber Rattler
Keep him. He is just a young rino.
Was he helping Cruz with the fillabuster?
To: Timber Rattler
If he's the nominee, I will vote for him. Look what sitting home has got us! I always thought the only thing worse then a Bill Clinton Presidency would be a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Then came Obama. But after eight years of Obie I can't take 4-8 of Hillary with Bill running around the White House. The only reason those two are still married is because it would look bad when she ran if divorced. As a woman I can not stand that woman! I like her rapist, scumbag, loser husband better (which isn't saying much.) The 90’s were my twenties and formed my political beliefs. The Clinton's were just horrible, lest we forget! I then got stuck with her as Senator. NO MORE!!!!!
With Obama many weren't sure what we'd get but we do with the Clinton's and no way in hell will I be part of it! I still haven't decided my primary pick.
To: Timber Rattler
I only want to vote for Cruz but I will not say I wouldn’t vote for Rubio.but I will definitely not vote for Bush or Rand.
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