Posted on 04/13/2015 8:16:46 AM PDT by HomerBohn
Well she's running folks...didn't think in the end that she would but she is.
Hillary Rodham Clinton made it official yesterday and now the 'fun' begins...if you call a chance that 'Ms.Pant-Suit' could win the presidency in 2016 'fun.' The woman more commonly and so rightfully known as the 'Butcher of Benghazi' has a lot of explaining to do as we on the conservative side will continue to pick her slimy, nasty, lying, traitorous piece at a time.
Hillary desperate to be America's first woman desperate that she's been running for president since the day her hubby left NO Margret Thatcher nor is she Golda Meir...both strong women who had the brains, fortitude, and know-how to lead their respective nations...and poor Hillary has none of those attributes. Hillary Clinton as president would be nothing but a third term for Obama...a continuation of a failed presidency as both Obama and Clinton have NOT a clue as to what constitutes reality in today's extremely dangerous and volatile world.
And when you think about it...I mean really think about it...what has Hillary accomplished that's benefited our a word 'NOTHING.' Raking up over one million flier miles as Secretary of State does NOT an accomplishment was just a way for her to 'get out of Dodge' so to speak...and to do so as she promoted Obama's anti-America socialist agenda. And with her being as big a socialist and bleeding heart liberal as Obama himself...when you add in the required and all-important islamist sympathizer for good measure...Hillary Clinton is the stuff of America's worst nightmares yet the stuff liberals, the co-exist kumbaya sorts, the you owe me 'sponges' of society, and supporters of the U.N.'s Agenda 21 salivate over.
And so the infamous 'queen of the deleted e-mails' announced her...and the media's...believed to be 'ascension to the throne' on social media with a facebook page, a video*, a tweet ("I'm running for president. Everyday Americans need a champion, and I want to be that champion."), an email to donors, and a web site ( ploy right out of Ted Cruz's announcement playbook... before heading off to Iowa to test the waters.
And Hillary has hired several of Obama's former campaign strategists and handlers to work on her campaign and you know what that means...dirty politics at its best. Made-up accusations and lies about her Democratic challengers will be the rule of the day...and know that Hillary is NOT the shoe-in she thinks she is as former Virginia Senator Jim Webb and former Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee have both officially launched 2016 presidential exploratory committees, with former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley considering doing so as well. And the fabrications and lies about her Republican challengers will be 'one for the books' as they say for I can guarantee you they will be on par with or better than 'Prince' Harry Reid's lies about Mitt Romney paying NO taxes for ten years...lies which he still has refused to apologize for and probably never will.
So many stories and lies for Hillary to will be a wonder if she can keep them all straight. And this is important...we must counter them with truths every step of the way and make sure people know about her and her hubby's very infamous past...and what a past it is. Do the words Whitewater, Vince Foster, Chinagate, and Lootergate ring a bell...they should because if it wasn't for her having the Clinton name both she and Billy-Boy would be sitting in a 5' by 7' jail cell right now. In fact, Hillary's infamous past alone goes way back to the Nixon days when she played a part in Watergate...a part that included her being fired...YES fired...from the House Judiciary Committee staff for unethical behavior as she helped prepare articles of impeachment against Nixon.
A pattern of lies and deceit spanning decades and this is the woman who wants to be president...this is the woman who must NEVER be president.
Must NEVER be president if for NO other reason than Benghazi. Benghazi...where four brave Americans died while Hillary looked away...where she never responded to their pleas for help...where she helped Obama concoct a cover-up story so ludicrous in nature that if it wasn't so pathetically sad it would be borderline funny...and where her oh so infamous words What difference does it make will forever come back to haunt her...and rightfully so even though the media continues to ignore the callousness, coldness, and sheer depravity of those five most sinister of words.
And the lies and deceit along with a smattering of sheer stupidity continues to this day for remember back some months ago when Hillary said, Dont let anybody tell you that its corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know that old theory, trickle-down economics. That has been tried, that has failed. Hate to break the news to her but the very entities she says do NOT create jobs are the very entities that do create jobs. While the backbone, so to speak, of our economy might well be small businesses it is large businesses and corporations that hire the most people...that put the most people to work. And how does Hillary intend to create jobs if there are NO businesses to create them for...I guess she was absent that day in economics class when the lesson on how to create jobs was taught.
Sheer stupidity upped a notch as who can forget Hillary's It takes a village to raise to raise a child, nonsense along with her more recently saying, We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society. How sad is it that this woman now running for president...just like the traitor currently occupying the White House...seems to ignore the important concept of personal responsibility for it's NOT the job of in the 'so-called' raise someone else's children for them...that's a parent's job and a parent's job alone.
And as for putting society as a whole before the Obama... forgets that it's our individual inalienable rights...rights deemed so important that our 'Founders and Framers' built our nation upon those very rights...rights that separate us from all other nations...rights Hillary's words spoken show she has NO intention of honoring if she ever...God forbid...became president.
And yet another thing Hillary has NO intention of honoring is the fact that we are at war with islam... NOT radical islam...all islam is islam is islam. Remember when Hillary said at Georgetown University, We have to empathize with our enemies. Adding that we must empathize with their perspective and point of view. Guess that goes hand-in-hand with her saying, In the Bible it says they asked Jesus how many times you should forgive, and he said 70 times 7. Well, I want you to know that I'm keeping a chart. Hillary might be keeping the chart but I'm sure Huma Abedin is the one keeping the score.
Says a lot about the character of the woman now doesn't just have to unplug your ears to hear just have to understand that one media so-called 'Rock Star President' has already proven to be simply one too many.
But thankfully some are indeed unplugging their ears as a new Quinnipiac poll shows Hillary's lead against front-running Republican hopefuls is dwindling in the critical swing states of Colorado, Iowa, and Virginia. And why is this happening...after all Hillary is the media anointed successor to Obama's throne of why...because those responding to the poll believe she is NOT honest nor trustworthy. And those negative numbers have greatly increased after Hillary dared to delete and erase possible incriminating e-mails after being told by Congressional investigators NOT to do so.
And that on top of Benghazi, Lootergate, Chinagate, Vince Foster, Whitewater, Watergate, and assorted other 'gates,' scandals, and 'so-called' irregularities too numerous to mention, seems to have been the straw that broke many backs... including the backs of members of her own Democratic party as now it appears that even the DNC is trying to distance itself from her while hoping Elizabeth Warren will throw her 'feathered headdress' into the ring.
So as Hillary tries to convince both the party loyal and those now starting to cringe at the thought of yet another Clinton presidency...a two-fer because with Hillary you get Billy-Boy...why she above all others is deserving of the White House...why she and she alone must be America's first woman president...why she is 'owed' the presidency NO matter the scandals that currently surround her...NO matter the scandals leftover but NOT forgotten from when she was First Lady...this most vile of women will sadly still have the sheeple and kumbaya sorts stuffing her already burgeoning war chest with which she and they hope can buy her an election.
And folks we cannot and must NOT allow that to happen for Hillary Rodham Clinton as president...with possibly La Raza raised and communist-leaning Julian Castro as vice-president...will indeed be the death knell of all we as Americans hold dear. And our 'Founders and Framers' will NOT only turn over in their graves but will have we conservatives to rightfully blame for NOT fighting hard enough to assure that their dream of liberty and freedom survives this pant-suited woman who would be king. *************************************
* See Hillary's first of what will be many untruthful campaign ads here:
How proud we would be after elevating a traitorous dog to the presidency to have this fat-ass waddling across the stage to stand behind the president's podium.
“What difference does it make?”
An interesting answer to her prior campaign question “Its 3 a.m. ... Who do you want answering the [White House] phone?”
Its hard to believe there is a worse candidate for president than was Obama, but this unaccomplished snake is. She will be every bit the disaster King Putt is and likely the final nail in America’s coffin.
Athaliah of Judah. Enough said.
Benghazi happened at 3pm DC time and Obama and Hillary were still unable or unwilling to take the call
Why Republicans are so afraid of this woman is beyond me ! She is like listening to the Mother-in-law from hell ,nobody can stand her. The more she flaps her yap the worse it gets for her. She is unelectable !! ( If that’s a word )
She stole a lot of money from Libya, and she wants to spend it. She has to have an alibi for all that money. She is running so she can claim some miraculous campaign fund raising figures.
There is a way and the RNC is trying to make it happen.
Jeb Bush.
She’s ballsy enough...
I do like the way she claps her hands like a trained seal and the fact that she called Billy Goat a f—king bastard. In this she was correct using both descriptive words.
She once sat on the board of Snap-On-Tools and has used them ever since.
“Why Republicans are so afraid of this woman is beyond me !”
She had possession of a couple hundred FBI files and kept them long enough to down load all the information.
THEN she returned them...’Gee here they were all the time!’
As if she didn’t know she had them!!
I think she’ll blackmail all her enemies with that stuff... if she hasn’t been doing it SICNE then.
Sir, you have slandered sows everywhere. Look at how well Miss Piggy wears lipstick.
Doesn’t stop her from drop-kicking Kermit from here to the horizon and back.
Since Leona Helmsley died in 2007, the crown of Queen of Mean has been largely unclaimed, but I submit that Herself, Madame Benghazi, the Cold & Joyless, has earned it by default in addition to considerable effort being expended in the campaign.
Only incidentally was any of that effort directed at actually becoming President of the United States of America, for whatever that title may still mean. The territory has been so fundamentally transformed, that it may be said that the United States of America no longer exists in recognizable terms.
Bear in mind that as a consequence if the ill-conceived 17th Amendment, the corrupt Senate is enabling presidents to become tyrants.
"In every event, I would rather construe so narrowly as to oblige the nation to amend, and thus declare what powers they would agree to yield, than too broadly, and indeed, so broadly as to enable the executive and the Senate to do things which the Constitution forbids." --Thomas Jefferson: The Anas, 1793.
The 17th Amendment needs to disappear.
She came out of the gate looking weak and pathetic. Her opponents this year are a bunch of young Turks not Mitt Romney. She’s in for rough ride.
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