“She brings to the table extensive political and policy experience, a combination of skills that is often lacking.”
And since personal character doesn’t mean diddly in the Dim Party, she’s considered a great candidate!
Can Clinton overcome her weaknesses? The better question is will the American people elect a truth challenged, alcoholic lesbian as their President?
Our top politicians do not tend to be statesmen (skillfully leading our country and the world into a better future).
Our top politicians do not tend to be skilled politicians (uniting opposing political forces and forging common agreements on divisive issues).
Our top politicians do not tend to be charismatic and smooth (Dole? Gore? Hillary? Mitt?).
What does it take to become a top politician in the USA during this time in history?
Nothing good, I can tell you that.
Is the author talking about her weakness for alcohol? foreign buy-offs? Huma?
Maybe something else?
Maybe this is wishful thinking, but I don’t think people like her, sorta like the way it was with Gore. What’s to like?
She has dirt on everyone from Obama to the Pope. What weakness?
Whatever weakness HRC may have, the American people will more than bail her out. They’ve already endorsed her; so no need for a campaign in 2016.
I hope not, and I pray to God she fails big time.
Other than Jeb, the potential opponents for Hillary are too recently in politics to have been among the people in the FBI files (and Jeb only by virtue of his father), so she will have to find another method of getting dirt to use in the final days of the campaign.
No. That's her main weakness.
Remember Gore’s three debate appearances, each time with a completely different look and personality? There was “nice but tired” Gore, sighing constantly. There was “Reagan Gore” with the pompadour, lipstick, and rosy cheeks. And “Belligerent Stalker Gore.” As Barbara Bush said: “I thought he was going to strike George.”
Remember when Hillary! decided to laugh maniacally in response to all questions? I can’t remember when that was, though.