Why should we christians give a rats ass what he wears?
No idea why you Christians give a rat’s ass, although I would assume that the proper roles of men as proscribed by the Christian Holy Book have something to do with it. I am agnostic and I only care that he and the paper that published this drivel thinks that it is noteworthy where he is relocating his petticoat collection to. As far as I am concerned, the more men that wear women’s clothes and shirk their biologically proper evolutionary roles, the easier it is for us sane procreators.
You think he’s a man of the outside - how he dresses. There is no corrupt inside that makes the outside up-side-down?
I have no problem at all with this insanity if it is kept where insanity belongs - in the alley and with no influence. As long as he does not touch me or society with authority to dominate society with his insanity, he can be as crazy as he wants to be in his own life. But that is not what committed sinners want. They want to conform the world to their sin.