Yes, I do. I realize there are logistical problems with it, too. I would first advocate an insurmountable border defense that stops ALL traffic into this country, especially from Texas all the way to California.
Secondly, I support very harsh penalties for employers that hire illegals for any purpose coupled with a complete official cutoff of all entitlements available to normal citizens. I wouldn’t even allow them into our court systems save that needed to punish them for violating our laws. They can exist in the shadows or go the hell home for all I care.
Lastly, I realize that it is a tough, touchy topic and I do have some compassion. I probably would be convinced to have a program to allow some to stay here on work permits with no entitlement benefits and to PAY their share of taxes.
Lastly, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES would these people EVER be allowed to vote in this country.
We’ll see what we see as far as candidates go.
Well done - that’s a better answer than I’ve heard from the field.
Tancredo is the guy who can do all that.