Not on US flights. US requires two people in the cockpit at all times, so a flight attendant would have to come in if a pilot or copilot went out.
A few years ago a Fedex pilot planned to commit suicide by crashing a DC10 into Fedex in Memphis. He got a ride with the regular crew and attacked the pilot with an ice ax, thinking it would look like inpact injuries.
He fought the crew for half an hour as the 2 pilots tried to stop him and fly the plane. Both pilots were injured to the extent they can never fly a plane again. The guy is in jail for life.
The crew replaced an older captain and female pilot who had timed out by one minute when their flight arrived, the perp had planned to fly with them, thinking it would be easier to overpower them.
Well, I’d say bully on the wise individual that came up with that policy. However, that too could be overcome. The only solution remaining is to send ALL muzzies back to the hell hole they came from, and that won’t be any more possible than sending other forms of illegals back to the country of origin. Oh...Remaining comments self censored.