I like it. It’s nonprofit and privately funded. I hope it stays that way.
Glad they serve half-man, half-woman
Lazy San Franciscan Uses Baby Stroller to Tote 12-Pack of Beer
It being SF I imagine Health Dept and EPA regs have been waived.
Non Spanish speaking schizophrenics might have a problem with that Lava thing.
It's been done before but the shower-ees never seem to appreciate the service.
Catering to the lazy free of charge appeals to some people. Incubating sloth and dependance will bear the same.
Just stay out of my yard and out of the way of those that wish to contribute to society rather than leech off of it.
With the number of homeless skyrocketing in Denver, they may need a couple of those buses to cruise around for the “laid back bunch” that has acquired the Colorado scene lately.
If they put the homeless in the back of a pickup, and then went through a car wash, then the homeless could get a shower and their laundry done at the same time!
I’d hate to be the one who has to clean those showers.
I used to work in Civic Center in SF. There's a public fountain on Market Street near U.N. Plaza. From time to time I would see homeless "bathing" nude in that fountain in the morning, in full view of Muni buses passing by. There are more than seven places where they get a free shower! I've also been inside some of those shelters, seeing how the homeless are catered to with laundry equipment, recreation equipment, free telephone usage and other amenities courtesy of the taxpayers. These services act as a magnet drawing homeless to SF, making a bad situation progressively worse, soaking up ever increasing funds from a fixed budget pie. Madness.
On side of bus from left to right ...
Women ... Men .... ???? .... handicapped