Why should she be subjected to the indignity of an election when it should be plainly evident that we as a people would be infinitely blessed with her coronation.
The people should demand that she be hoisted on their shoulders and installed in her rightful place as the ruler of these Untied States.
And to even further inconvenience her ascendancy to her rightful place on the throne, these commoners have the temerity that she follow the rule of law, can you believe this?
We should be glad that she has deigned it okay to gaze upon her royal visage, this alone should speak volumes on her benevolent magnanimity.
People of her greatness and statue are well within their rights as our ruling class to forbid that we even look upon them with our great unwashed eyes and hear the magnificence of their melodious elucidation with our plebian auditory faculties.
Rest assured that she like all other great socialist thinkers of the storied past knows better than you and should trifler herself with the mere affairs of record keeping and accountability.
Those are the realm of serfs and slaves, not her majesty Hillary the 1st!
Her majesty, the Secretary of State, doesn’t meet with HR on her first and last days on the job.
I guess she didn’t receive any pay checks while she was SoS and is therefore not an employee.
The EXEMPT have Super-EXEMPT above them.
In 2015, America is country of 5 tiers.
1. Royalty: The King and her Majesty and Huma
2. The EXEMPT in SCOTUS and the 114th and their
Staff who are above all Law
3. Criminal Illegal aliens
4. Lowlife Americans (’scum’ to the EXEMPT)
5. Conservatives (concentration camps on the drawing board)
A toothless law regarding cabinet-level persons, considering that Sandy Burglar was caught red-handed and got off scot-free.
“I don’t think former secretaries are standard employees,”
Yet, I bet her paycheck looks exactly like the paycheck of every other State Department employee except the amount. I bet she took an oath and signed oath papers like everyone else as ell.
Really. Then what are they, Jen? Pant suited goddesses?
I’m guessing that Petreus was not a standard employee of the CIA. What’s her point?
Hereafter, all persons deemed to be above the law should be addressed as “lord” or “lady”.
All animals are equal.
What she "thinks" isn't relevant.
Of course she is not “standard employee” of the tax paying public - SHE IS ROYALTY, and is in the court of Emperor Obama. This administration truly will find a place in history all right!! The most transparent administration ever, yes indeedie.
Yeah, they’re better people than we are. When I get through knuckling my forehead I’ll prostrate myself properly in the presence of true royalty. This is so disgusting it scarcely bears commenting, much less publication in the open press.
Nice to know we are Serfs.....
Can anyone anywhere point to any president/politician who had such a “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” environment as the Clintons? Maybe each one had one scandal while they were in office but one after another and on and on and on even when they have left office? I’ve been around a long time and I can remember small eyebrow raising events but nothing like the stink the Clintons leave behind.....Anyone who believes these people are innocent of any wrongdoing are NUTS!
This Jennifer Psaki and her boss Ms.Harf are as stupid as they come.They even give dumb blondes a bad name.
Wow....it took a WEEK to come up with that Lame excuse!!
Duh - Laws are for “common folk” - NOT Hilliary (tm)!
love this argument hope they stick with it. It will piss off about 99% of the population.