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“Intellectual failures”, is that a euphemism for “dumber than a fence post”?
“They are terrorists, theyre criminals. Mostmanyof them are psychopathic thugs, murderers who use a religious concept and masquerade and mask themselves in that religious construct.”
Same thing about Communists. They just use the ideology as a front for their criminal acts.
This is why people like Obama thrive. They use an ideology to get the masses on their side while they are looting the treasury.
I still want to know where that 600 billion in stimulus money went.
This is a brilliant article.
It is pathetic that Leftists consider the Muslims that pay only token lip-service to Islam to be the true Muslims, and consider the Muslims that imitate Mohammed to be false Muslims.
Keep in mind that Brennan turned Muslim when he was Station Chief for CIA in Saudi Arabia in 1970. Why else would Barry Hussein Soetoro appoint him Director.
Isn’t Brennan a muslim anyhow?
Jesus warned about wolves in sheeps clothing. It seems to me when you have an enemy you refuse to call an enemy and a member of that group is put in charge. It’s like puttin the fox in charge of the hen house. You are going to start losing chickens. And 911 was a wake up call to turn from the direction we were heading and we continued blindly following the path leading to our destruction. Sad indeed.
Ever more taqiyya.
Obama and his appointees are not ignorant, they are complicit.
It would have been cool to list the things that mohammed did and ask brennen how he would characterize those actions, e.g. are they consistent with actions performed by terrorists and criminals. Then tell him who committed the acts. I would love it if someone actually did that.
No need to state the obvious conclusion but rather just state the facts and let people decide for themselves.
The vast majority of emperor worshiping Shintoists are not kamikaze pilots. Therefore, Kamikaze pilots are not emperor worshiping Shintoists, and Shintoism does not motivate their suicidal lunges at US ships at sea.
Isn’t it comforting to have a CIA chief who converted to Islam - watching over us? What could go wrong?