Yep, she sure did! I remember it. January 23, 1998 (my birthday) Secretaries Shalala, Albright and Daley trotted out to the Rose Garden to deny that Bill Clinton did not do those things to that girl, Ms. Lewinsky.
Soon proven wrong, she (they) embarked on the "not impeachable offense" mantra and likely later the "a BJ is not sex" excuse. [hard to remember all these because that defense became the rage in politics, pundit and media foreplay - there was just too much BS flying around about the BJ to remember it all].
Yep, a real, hard working corporate titan who took on the tough jobs.
If any one of the female higher ups would have had the guts to walk out on Clinton once it was proven he was a baldfaced liar it would have been the end of the Clinton era and all of the garbage that has followed. Donna Shalala went from potential American hero to spineless bootlicker in a matter of minutes.