All the Amendments proposed by Levin are good but the key is repeal of the 17th. Another Amendment whose repeal would help immeasurably but is probably impossible even to propose is repeal of the 19th. Women as a class have biologically based attitudes that are not compatible with a free Republic. My wife told me that a long time ago. It took years for me to agree with her. There should be no restriction on women running for or holding office but they should not have the vote. If the 16th, 17th, and 19th were repealed the nation accompanied by the abolition of most federal agencies and Cabinet departments would soar to new heights of prosperity and international power and stay there. That is a hell of a tall order but that is what is required. At this stage of dissolution it may well be that it is all too late. The Convention is too long in coming. It cannot be done in the next 6 months. By Summer if 34 states have passed the necessary resolutions I fear that the Sultan will make his definitive move to shut it down and use his alternative army if he thinks it necessary.
You and I are in general agreement. IMHO we need to win over folks having heartfelt concerns about the CoS in order to be successful. So I was thinking that a proof of concept CoS would be a way to go in order to build confidence in the process among those with concerns. A CoS with a very limited agenda. And what better way to significantly increase state power in relation to the federal government than to repeal the 17th. I think once we have completed the first one in a controlled manner, subsequent CoS will be. Much easier to convine to address the serious structural issues we face. Anyway, the thoughts of a simple man.