Obama Syndicate: Christians are responsible for Islamic Violence and their own deaths!
This is the essence of everything the Obama Administration is saying. While they do not say it in so many words this is their message.
It’s not JUST Obama.
The Islamification of the DemocRAT Party goes back almost 40 years. Jimmy Carter was converted whilst he was still president. Some say Yassar Arafat was his spiritual mentor.
Since then, more and more top Rats have joined the jihadist movement. Bill Clinton is a Muslim. So is Hillary. Pelosi and Reid as well. In fact, its become almost impossible the be prominent in DemocRAT circles without being Muslim - at least in name.
Putting lipstick on that pig doesn't change it.
Not respecting Catholics' religious ban on abortifacients and some contraceptives shows one religion favored over another. (The Muslims claim insurance is "gambling" and forbidden. The Catholics that anything which stops a fertilized embryo from developing is murder. Guess who got the exemption?)
Many of us recognize this fact. But,I along with all other Americans are letting it happen - just like the 1930’s in Germany.
I’m 80 years old - what’s your excuse for no action?
later reading
This is a variation of the “if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is almost certainly a duck” argument.
It’s really “stupid thinking” to say that Islamists or Islamic Terrorists are going to “take over” ... when the entire Muslim population here is less than 1% (Pew Research figures).
Otherwise, I don't know how western civilization is saved. Maybe the Orthodox faiths have a better chance than most other Christian faiths do of turning things around. Catholicism is so far down that slippery slope of compromising values that I wonder if we can come back without major upheaval.
I never thought I'd reach this point. Nietzsche's sentiment was that a world without a God will fill that void with man, and that unrestrained man will be evil. (paraphrasing)
If the islamo-nazi radicals will do the job then he is all for it.
Ya ever been to the deep South? How bout the Texas countryside? Montana, Wyoming or Louisiana swamp lands?
I put my money on Americans! Anyone wanna tawk bout snipers?
Well, there are a few million of’em here in America. They are known as deer hunters. Pig slayers.
I triple dog dare the muzzies to start something. The only problem is our own gubbamint allows these maniacs to take advantage of innocent people like all the folks that died during 911, yet handcuff (literally) Americans that take up for themselves. Our laws are to protect our civil society not allow foreigners to come here and use these same laws against US.
Someday perhaps, American citizen will see enough is enough and have little more to lose and begin defending themselves against enemies foreign and domestic.
Gay marriage. No longer “Christian” marriage laws in America.
Add polygamy. Then it starts to look more like Sharia law.
Government is bringing in our replacements?
Been going on for 30+ years now.
I'm guessing some are just now figuring this out.
I am surprised that more hasn’t been said about the VIRTUAL EXCHANGE program Obama mentioned yesterday in his speech. It is actually rather frightening. The Virtual Exchange program will be named after Ambassador Chris Stevens and will bring over one million YOUTHS from the USA, the Middle East and North Africa, together to share the “TRUTH” about their religions.
BEWARE, although it wasn’t presented this way, this “program” WILL BE launched through the public school system, mark my word. In the name of promoting “peace” it will actually be the way a door can be opened to introduce “religion” into the schools, the religion being ISLAM. We can be sure this will not be to introduce Christianity to youths from North Africa or the Middle East........it will be for AMERICAN Youths to be radicalized.