When I attended the Nuclear Biological and Chemical Warfare school during my time as an officer on active duty, we never were briefed on this weapon, we concentrated on chemicals and the aftermath of nuke strikes, like Effective Downwind Drift and RAD absorption, etc. But I kinda sorta do trust what the old guy said, although I do know that as he entered his late 80's he was a little bit um scattered in his memories and knowledge base. His degree was an SC.D which is actually higher than a PH.D The latter has coursework that includes Philosophy and Humanities while the first is all science and math.
Thank you for your patient response. I will defer to your father-in-law. I have no knowledge of the type of weapon that you are speaking of, but there are lots of things that I do not know about. I thought that you were referring to a traditional neutron radiation emitting weapon.
I noticed that I had a typo in my response that I just finished correcting. Shielding from neutron radiation is an interesting challenge. Traditional radiation suits do almost nothing; you literally would be better off throwing a wet blanket over your head.