To: ansel12; KC_Lion; Darksheare; al baby
Europe doesn't have much will to stand up against Muslims or Russians. It sounds like the UK is thinking of dumping submarines for F-35's...
and Germany.... Germany has decided to buy these:

The Russians must be shaking in their jackboots. With laughter.
23 posted on
02/15/2015 6:51:56 PM PST by
To: GeronL
Is that like a Prius hybrid tank?
25 posted on
02/15/2015 6:53:49 PM PST by
(Celebrate "Republicans Freed the Slaves Month")
To: GeronL

Actually, due to its advanced fire control system many weapons analysts consider the German Leopard 2-A7 the top main battle tank in the world today -ahead of the Abrams.
31 posted on
02/15/2015 7:01:15 PM PST by
(Islam is as Islam does.)
To: GeronL
I dunno, AT missile system plus mounted machine gun, highly mobile, small enough to be usable in the European forests, shoot&scoot capable, cheap, I can see raising a lot of hell against an attacking force with a bunch of those
36 posted on
02/15/2015 7:08:33 PM PST by
To: GeronL
Why mock that weapon for paratroopers and use in the proper environments?
39 posted on
02/15/2015 7:15:16 PM PST by
(Palin--Mr President, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke.)
To: GeronL
What the hell is that thing? A VW with a wire guide mounted on it?
Oh, one of those kraut M-60's too!
73 posted on
02/15/2015 7:51:50 PM PST by
("...for if it prosper, none dare call it treason.")
To: GeronL
87 posted on
02/15/2015 8:04:51 PM PST by
(We are finished. It will just take a while before everyone realizes it.)
To: GeronL
The Wiesel if a very smart and capable vehicle. It was designed to be delivered by helicopter, and has a wire guided anti tank missile launcher in addition to GPMG’s. Small, fast, easily hidden in defilade, and deadly. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson