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Probably an exaggerated number, but over a period of years.
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
nothing pleases the Iranians more than to have all the Jews of the world in one place
Hmmmm, sounds like a big win for Israel.
They get Jews - educated, sophisticated, and bright.
France gets Muslims.
Crude, uber religious, and unable to assimilate.
Good going, France.
I think the approach is partially right, but partially wrong-headed. It’s like telling the Tel Avivites who’ve emigrated to Berlin to come on back. We’ve made our chocolate puddings bigger and cheaper now.
Living in Israel requires one to live in the presence of a constant, ongoing death threat from psychotics. You have to be committed enough to brave that ongoing death threat, day in, day out, say hello to your neighbors the psychos and be polite and even do business with them. For that, you need a strong commitment.
Should a more attractive environment for professionals and entrepreneurs be provided? Sure. But why just to Frenchmen?
Should more affordable housing be built? Sure. For Venezuelans and Swiss, too. For everyone, really, and damn the usual chorus of condemnations from the usual collection of horse’s asses, to building anything for Jooos! in various parts of Jerusalem and and anywhere Judah and Samaria.
Oslo’s ship has sailed and foundered. Those that insist on pretending that the piece process is merely stalled are irrelevant. It’s high time a French or Venezuelan engineer designed railroad lines between Jerusalem and Kiryat Arba, and between Haifa and Ariel, and brought over a boatload of Jewish workers from their respective countries, and let the Arabs living there make a buck from the resulting derivative services, if they can provide any.