The Contra Costa Times is invoking the Gipper to support something that I’m not ready to accept.
The federal tax is collected at the refinery. Cost to collect the tax is about $0.009, less than a penny of tax administrative cost per dollar of tax collected.
Because Congress is afraid to raise the tax, alternative means of raising highway repair funds are in the works, most notably the Vehicle Miles Traveled tax (VMT).
The cost to collect VMT is about 20 cents on the dollar. It is a wildly inefficient way to raise funds for federal road repairs.
VMT has one advantage, though, reps in Congress don't have to make a direct vote in favor of raising taxes.
I am not ready to accept it either. This is just another BS attempt to get more money that they can use for other things than intended. Anytime something good for the consumer appears in the form of significantly lower prices for a product, sniveling greedy opportunists in government start fabricating dire needs for this and that so they can raise taxes. It’s BS. Spend the gas tax money already collected on ROADS and BRIDGES and not silly programs or studies or political favoritism and they roads and bridges could be fixed. Not no, but HELL no.
The government collects several trillion dollars a year,that’s more than enough,NO MORE money
Wasn’t Reagan’s idea. The Dem Congress did it and Reagan, being a bi-partisan man, signed it as a compromise.
Author makes it sound like Reagan ran on the issue.
This article lies at it onset so you can be assured that the rest is probably lies as well.