Like the Episcopal church, the wider they spread their arms, the more people come in the door (and tithe).
God is a majority of one. He hasn’t changed His mind and He won’t.
They are NOT “changing their minds”, instead they’ve simply lost the will to fight.
The other side is RELENTLESS in taking down our society - and as they push, people simply get tired of having to keep pushing back.
Only those churches and “Christians” ALREADY entrenched in heresy and apostasy in their public and private lives could ever conceivable condone homosexuality, much less calling it “marriage.”
The state should be removed from marriage.
I suspect a lot of the change claimed is rhetoric to produce a bandwagon, where people will pretend to accept it because they think everyone else does. I wonder how much of any real change in Christian behavior is cover to avoid the bullying of political correctness and its enforcers. Many and perhaps most people are disgusted by homosexuality and by those who play make believe as if gay “marriage” could mean anything real.
I like how these articles never allow comments.
A lot of talk about us being cultist (by the enemy), but we make no demands on ANYone about ANYthing ... probably because the preaching is hot and biblical and scathes the guilty.
We DID put anti-Sodomite language in our constitution regarding officers and deacons, choir members and a couple of other areas.
We're just crazy fundamentalists.
I highly doubt that your average evangelical is now promoting sodomite unions.
Uh, no. If they reject truth, they are not evangelical. Period. Full stop. End of story.
This piece is agitation propaganda designed to provide cover for liberal people in churches....and to make more division between the Word of God and secular philosophy.
The power of the State defining deviancy down (Patrick Moynihan).
Imagine reading an article about how evangelicals are finally accepting incest, pedophilia and necrophilia? This is what homosexuality is. Pure hedonism. It is all about sexual pleasure, at all times, anywhere, anyplace, with anyone. Soon you will see men openly masturbating in public places. The media will be so happy that this will be accepted by so-called “Evangelicals”.
Uh, no. If they reject truth, they are not evangelical. Period. Full stop. End of story.
This piece is agitation propaganda designed to provide cover for liberal people in churches....and to make more division between the Word of God and secular philosophy.
‘’How the Homo-Nazis Subverted Evangelical Churches’’.
I would gladly be a church of one even if the entire damn country accepted this crap. In fact, I’d just leave for brighter shores.
Time should have entitled this “How People who CLAIM to be Evangelicals....”
Wishful thinking from the pervert promoters.
The Goebbels Factor.
Which is why I am a fundamentalist, not an evangelical. And I’m part of a remnant of fundamentalists, at that, the kind who still believe in separatism from worldliness.
FWIW, I went to the web site of the SINGLE “evangelical” church this agitprop cited. Frankly, if you read their “what we believe” page.....Uh, it really doesn’t strike one as “evangelical”.
And the quotes from the “pastor” of this place, a 36-year old kid, show a marked lack of knowledge regarding truth.
The article is a lie designed to create the reality it lies about.