As you know, the reason for America and the Constitution is not to protect the rights of government, but to protect the rights of the individual. The Constitution created a central government for the purpose of protecting the rights and freedoms on the individual from threats without and within. What I propose if all else fails, is not palliative to the cause of individual freedom. IMO, if all else fails, the well-being of individual freedom and a free society trumps the issue of an unconstitutional central government that will not cure.
True, nullification does not directly cure the D.C. dysfunction, although it is possible it could influence such. But if D.C. can not or will not resolve, then state nullification could lead to a direct cure for those who wish to be free and live in a free society.
I am all for peaceful resolution to fix an illegal government within the stated remedies of the Constitution. However, failing these efforts (and we must reasonably be prepared for that possibility) nullification is an alternative to those who hold freedom dear. It doesn’t have to be violent, although it could eventually lead to such.
Should congress call a convention, I have little faith that backroom deals and bribes won't corrupt the convention process.
I have little faith that whatever amendments are passed to the states will make the 3/4 threshold for ratification.
I am however, confident that unless the people once again assert their right to frame their government, a demagogue far worse than Obama will soon arrive to provide the stability, safety, bread and order the people demand. He will have more in common with Lenin than George Washington.
I don't see nullification as providing any relief from our oppressions, nor prevention of an American dictator.