Endangered GOPers
Johnson of WI
Toomey of PA
Kirk of IL
Endangered Rats
Reid of NV
I think you can add Ayotte to the list of endangered Republicans as well.
I am certain Kirk (GOPe - Illinois) can be beaten. If not in the primary, then certainly in the general.
Kirk may be as good as GOP can hope for from IL. He’s not much, but he’s better than a 2nd Durbin. Toomey, on the other hand has been a disappointment to many. PA needs to find a strong primary opponent.
Its been two years now since Pat Toomey caved into pressure from Michael Bloomberg and walked into a room to endorse anti-Second Amendment legislation.
He appeared with Democrat Joe Mancin of WV to push the anti-gun law proposed after the Sandy Hook school shooting.
Chuck Schumer supposedly wanted to be in the room, too, but Toomey asked he not be there....
The political machine of the GOPe including the NRA will gear up in 2016 and tell me how pro-Second Amendment Toomey is and a lot of folks will buy that stuff.
I don’t believe that crap anymore and hope we have a more conservative candidate here in PA.....
I won’t be sorry to see Kirk go. In fact I plan to work against him. If he somehow wins his primary I won’t vote for him.
Bennett of CO is also a vulnerable rat.
Few GOP prospects beyond that.