As soon as I read he was being robbed of his shoes I figured there was a 80 to 90 percent chance the shooter was a negro.
As a whole, the Negro race seems to covet things rather than enriching their souls. I have no idea why but that just seems to be the case.
How does it happen to be that, during the present historical times, the peoples of African descent have seen such spiritual trouble. Which is what evil is. Men have tried various explanations. Sometimes they were a bit too facile, like the theory about Noah’s son Ham (and that was shamefully a common one in early Southern Baptist/Democrat practice) that just posited hey God was punishing that race, why interfere. Africa is an area of dark religions, which could have something to do with it, but why the same demons should pursue men on a different continent and far removed from those faiths is unknown to me.
God certainly can choose whom He wants to appear and when and how even without forcing their hand. The old Kipling idea of the white man’s burden sure seems to be playing out today.
Gospel is the only thing that can cut through the evil. Circumstances can serve to modulate it, but only gospel can cut through it. At one point, good gospel was almost synonymous with the black race (during Jim Crow days). Well, the devil broke that up. Not that Jim Crow was the cause of this gospel dedication, but it provided an opportunity for it to be expressed against a real resistance. Bribing the black race was about the worst thing that could be done to it, worse even than slavery as horrible as that is to say.