I think Woods has generally leaned to the right, certainly since 9/11...sometimes he even lets it show.
I know Jon Voight is very vocal about his distaste for the left. I suspect his daughter (Jolie) is too but knows how the system would react if she said anything. I think the left senses this too because they have been making a big stink about her new patriotic film, “Unbroken”...
James Woods has been a conservative for a long time and he is on my very short list of Hollywood good guys.
Woods was on one of the airlines that was used as a “dry-run” pre-9/11. I’ve heard him in a couple interviews a few years back. He no longer pulls any punches and flatly says because of his views (far more right these days and very much into calling islam what it is) and being more vocal he is 100% certain he will not work on anything meaningful in “Hollywood” ever again.
Eagerly awaiting Samuel L. Jackson’s updated cop hating song.