without question, the D party machinery has been captured and taken over by an extremely anti-American, anti-liberty, anti-Constitution, anti-jobs, anti-business, anti-Judeo/Christian and pro-IslamoNazi subversive element (with tons of foreign enemy money).
Put simply, its not your grandparents’ D party anymore.
Used to be, you COULD if you wanted vote for a D candidate without worrying s/he’d disarm America’s defenses and destroy our country’s values, morals, morale, and jobs.
Used to be.
The regular D voters need to recapture their party and toss the anti-American IslamoNazi bums out.
Democrats cheered when the two policemen were murdered.
They sat on their hands and ignored the IRS going after American citizens for their political beliefs.
Democrats didn't object to Obama setting us up to lose the next war... they didn't care when he lied about Obamacare either.
Anyone who was good in that party - anyone who didn't directly have their hand greased with money - has left the democrat party - or is in the process of switching.
Democrats are the party of disgruntled victims, nose-in-the-air elites, angry blacks, and dependent women.
Yep. Awhile back, I overheard two young people talking. I knew neither one. And I have no idea what started their conversation. But one said to the other: "The Democrats used to be for the people who work hard. Now they are for the people who hardly work."
Quite surprising, to say the least.
You have captured and defined my opinion of the current dimmanazi party very accurately. Once America had two parties with minor differences. Both loved America, and were patriotic. Since November 22, 1963, the party of JFK has despised the USA, our culture, our constitution, our religions, and everything American. JFK was assassinated by a piss-ant communist, but the dimmanazi’s have blamed conservatives ever since, and so has the media.