To regain their relevancy, Democrats need to go back to their evolutionary roots. Their clear priorities: faster economic growth and promoting upward mobility for the middle and working classes.That kind of thinking and rhetoric drove manufacturing jobs out of Manhattan about a decade and a half after WWII ended, since it always involved growing government, raising taxes and increasing public spending. Never mind the mess the New Deal created.
You want to go back to the DemocRATS who opposed Civil Rights and desegregation?
” when they should be embracing the lunch-bucket themes that once built party dominance.”
They cannot do that without becoming conservative
without question, the D party machinery has been captured and taken over by an extremely anti-American, anti-liberty, anti-Constitution, anti-jobs, anti-business, anti-Judeo/Christian and pro-IslamoNazi subversive element (with tons of foreign enemy money).
Put simply, its not your grandparents’ D party anymore.
Used to be, you COULD if you wanted vote for a D candidate without worrying s/he’d disarm America’s defenses and destroy our country’s values, morals, morale, and jobs.
Used to be.
The regular D voters need to recapture their party and toss the anti-American IslamoNazi bums out.
Democrats believe in grievance politics (for blacks), the sky is falling crap - club of rome, peak oil, global warming etc - for liberal elites to keep grant money flowing, flooding the country with illegals to keep wages down and blacks desperate and 'in their place', and radical feminism to supply college jobs for women who don't marry...
In short democrats exist to take care of their various victim groups.
If they 'change their tune' it's manipulation.
How do we know that? That's it's manipulation and nothing more?
We know how Democrats feel about average working Americans because Gruber told us. Gruber even thought we were so stupid he put his message in a comic book.
If you're an angry black, a dependent woman, a union leader, a white liberal elite or you're illegal - you're a democrat. The rest of us are running away from them...
Harry Truman attempted to nationalize the steel industry, he was only stopped by the Supreme Court. Bring back the Bourbon Democrats instead.
And the Goldwater Republicans.
The Rat party today is nothing but one huge sewer of lunatics and psychopaths, but the good thing is they’re losing a lot of the old school Democrats like my Aunt and coworkers who said they will never ever vote Democrat again. And I can imagine that feeling just went to overdrive after the deliberate incitement of cop murder by the thugs running the Democrap party today.
This author is under the delusion that the left actually gives a flying &$#% about such things.
“Texas Republicans, for example, got close to half the vote among Latinos in that state, and similar results were found in Kansas. Even in places as blue-leaning as Colorado, Latino support for pro-growth Republicans has been growing. And Asians also showed a shift toward the GOP in the mid-terms.”
I realize that most people reading this will not be able to grasp the significance, ESPECIALLY Republican leaders, but the Republicans DID NOT LIFT A FINGER to get these votes last month...instead, they STUCK TO THEIR PRINCIPLES and Hispanics in the South voted 45% Republican. The DO NOT need Amnesty...they didn’t offer it, they didn’t support it, but they still, effectively, neutralized the Hispanic vote in much of the country...which is why Republicans won Texas by 20% and won virtually every non-minority district in the South.
AMNESTY IS NOT NEEDED for Republicans to stay competitive...but it will DESTROY them if they keep pushing it, as the base will stay home and Hispanics will not care.
The RATs always sucked, from the Southern slavers, to the KlanRats, to Communists FDR, the George Wallace segregationists, Clinton the rapist, Nasty Pelosi, and Obomber the queer moslem racebaiter.
Actually they need to move forward away from the slave state they have created with blacks as their slaves.
Truman Democrats?
Wouldn’t that require digging up a whole lot of Bodies?
The country is ripe to be taken by a third party that focuses on America. Not the wall street banking, corporate, environmental, homo, race, globalism focused current leading Siamese twin class of the demopublic-repblicrsts currently in office. I may get sideways with some here but the current political class in this country stinks. Both sides suck! Time to take the trash out.
Forgive me a giggle, but although this is an absolutely true statement the likelihood of the entrenched radicals to follow this path is rather low. In order for it to happen, two things would have to change that will not:
1. The relentless anti-white racist campaign that has so poisoned American politics for the last seven years will need to be stifled, and;
2. The party will have to disempower the apparatchiks who are, to a man and woman, stridently and mindlessly anti-American. These are people who hate the country and whose vision for the future goes no further than breaking the present into violent, Balkanized pieces.
The oft-dreaded danger that the Republican party will undergo a similar lurch toward radicalism into the customary Leftist nightmares of forced repression of minorities and theocratic absolutism is and always has been a ridiculous campfire story intended to impress the impressionable. Recall, for example, the insistence that Bush II was some sort of born-again fanatic that preferred women barefoot, pregnant, and five miles from town. That this stuff achieved political currency shows only that the Left hasn't grown up much since the pot-fueled dorm room debate days. Their actions in office prove the case.
But the radicals are entrenched in some key arenas: the media, academia, and popular entertainment. And they have no intention of giving up that dominance because (1) it's money in the bank, and (2) why should they? The good life is in being a member of the New Class, and elections are only a temporary inconvenience.
In short, they author is correct and hopeless, because these people are not going away short of a violence they're already started blaming on the other guy. I'm praying this ends well but I sure wouldn't bet that way.
The Democrats would need to adopt a low-tax, pro-growth and middle class building policy to compete.
Jim Webb could easily beat any Republican candidate. But he is not going to be nominated in 2016 least but not last because he is a white male from the South and today’s Democratic base frowns on white men and Southerners.
And Jacksonian politics are opposed by many liberals whose top priorities are to redistribute wealth, eliminate the working class and pursue environmental priorities.
Never mind that they’re politically ruinous. But the party is not about to offend the gentry liberals who fund it and who want to make the country over even more to their liking.
All the Democrats really have left are racial and sexual politics and this now plays to a shrinking share of the electorate. Joel Kotkin is right on what needs to be done but there is no fear the Democrats will follow his advice anytime soon in the foreseeable future.
Impossible to have Truman Democrats today.. One you must believe in God. honor our Fore Fathers, believe in the Sanctity of life, Honor our Country. Be honest.. Never happen..
finding a good registered Democrat is like finding a good muzzie or a good child molestor.................
The '68' New Democrats do NOT believe in American greatness and it shows. They also oppose economic growth (capitalist exploitation of workers, consumerism, and exploitation of the world's resources), just watch how adamant they are oppose any effort that increases America's oil supply. They are against upward mobility (keep them dependent on a government handout so they can be counted on voting for THE Party). The