I am no fan of Sharpton by any stretch of the imagination, but if Lynch were to trod this avenue of thought and act on it, it would open him and other cops up to the same thing as he would have no retort to that.
You really need to think before you write such nonsense.
I thought the (Garner) autopsy stated there was no chokehold.
Police put their lives on the line, daily, in their line of duty. Al Sharpton does not....and had/has NO business holding protest rallies with rallying cries of killing cops...or, anyone. That is NOT “justice”.
The minute those chants began, Al should’ve shut it down. He did not.
if Sharpton and others incited things, then the cop who did the chokehold and others with him would also be aid to have incited things.
I’m sorry but jeez this is stupid. Inciting is an act by one COMITTED to induce an end involving OTHERS. By your idiotic definition ANYTHING anyone does anywhere anytime is incitement.