Politico Story Confirms Michelle Obama Was Lying About Racist Incident At Target
Anyone surprised?
Well, her law license was revoked, apparently for (lying?) misrepresenting whatever...
You see, this story is false, but accurate. It rather creatively supports the Big Picture, i.e., the premise that Amerika is profoundly racist and that Michelle has suffered. Gosh, the way white cops be gunnin' down black people (sorry, "folks"), we are just blessed that she still survives!
Furthermore, as the Barry-Beard, Michelle has the toughest job in this country, and we should cut her a wee bit'o'slack. The narrative must continue because Barry desperately needs the support of the Trayvon/Michael community. The big mystery, "Why?" He is not running for anything .... but she might be?
And why should it be a surprise that any obama is lying ALL the time? It’s what these subhuman, muslim, socialist creatures do.
In their demented minds if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes true....at least to those who also have demented minds.
LT, that story no longer flies. Ya see, the record in Chicago now is reputed to show that Michelle "gave up the license because she did not want to continue with the required and expensive professional education courses, and the rather hefty renewal fees" if she weren't to practice any longer.
You undoubtedly refer to the case during which Michelle was ordered to surrender her license by the court because her client committed insurance fraud during the course of a trial for ...insurance fraud. That file has somehow gone missing. Those attorneys who saw it, and those who refer to it, are racist and patriarchal.
OTOH, Barry's farewell to the bar was voluntary. The Bar of the State of Illinois offered him the opportunity of permanently surrendering his license, or facing Bar Discipline. That was then. Now ....he " .... gave up the license because he did not want to continue with the required and expensive professional education courses, and the rather hefty renewal fees if he weren't to practice any longer when assuming public office."
In his Bar App, Barry made many a statement that was at odds with the information in his "autobiography." (Guess he should have read it?) Specifically, use of an alias, drug use, and traffic violations come to mind. All of this was easily researched by opposing attorneys or anyone else on the web site of the Bar of the State of Illinois. But that was then. This is now, and that info, or at least access to it, is long gone.
Oddly enough, Michelle could re-qualify, Barry cannot. She actually had more legal experience than Barry, but both were rotten lawyers. Each came a-crupper during the very first cases they handled on their own!
Barry and Michelle have the sort of legal backgrounds usually found in recruits to the Foreign Legion, not the halls of American power.