<><> Principles using credit cards. Reversing credit card write-offs is a common scam, initially writing off credit debt then cooking the books by reversing the write-off for annual reports. The debt could also be carried on the books as a fraudulent unbilled disbursement "receivable."
<><> Backdating checks to hide the date on which govt checks were received---in order to minimize the risk that auditors would discover fraudulent accounting practices.
<><> Reclassifying expenses on financial statements to seemingly reduce expenses. This change in treatment is usually not disclosed to auditors or on official financial statements.
<><> Budgetary allocations might describe certain fraudulent accounting adjustments pursued as part of a sub rosa scheme; engaging in fraudulent conduct to mislead WRT tax revenue, expenses, or payments; perhaps structuring transactions as "loan repayments" to falsify revenue.
<><> Ieveraging of tax dollars to secure personal bank loans that benefit principles? Perhaps classifying loan repayments as "revenue" on official documents?
All of these activities compel criminal penalties for the crimes of grand larceny, schemes to defraud, govt fraud, and falsifying official records.
ITEM--Shockingly, the Baptist Child and Family Services planned to buy resort property to house illegals for $3.8 million tax dollars ...... but news reports say Boobamba was forking over $50 million tax dollars (that we know of). Can you say money-laundering?
UPDATE the resort plan was dumped under the glare of public scrutiny.
<><> Taxpayers demand BCFS's official filings, phone records, emails, snail mail copies, hard drives, bank accounts, checking accounts, credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, social media contacts, and the like...be subpoeaned.
<><> TAXPAYERS demand to know who these people are communicating with, and who is directing their activities.
<><> Taxpayers demand to know if tax-funded groups, are consorting with violent organizations advocating the overthrow of the US govt.
wow, I’m thinking of going to Mexico, walking across and surrendering. Can I get a room with a pool view?