Why would you need your own home when the government can virtually give you one forever on Section 8? Why do you need a job with TANF, WICs, SSI, EITC, SNAP and all the other utility assistance programs, ObamaPhone and the like.
Heck, if you blow all your EBT on hoho’s and Twinkies and some grass, you could hit up the local Church Pantry to tide you over to the first of the month.
Why would you need do anything but vote?
Absolutely; also, home ownership is tied to stability in employment, and anyone earning enough to make thirty years of payments on a home has forces scrambling furiously behind the scenes to either import “raplacement Americans” to do the work here or send their job overseas. Here in NJ the property taxes (thinly veiled means of funneling taxpayer dollars through the teachers’ unions to their political arm - the Democratic Party) are sufficient to keep the next generation (often earning low wages) from buying a home (or even a new car).
I don’t give to organizations here because every time I watch the giveaways on the news there is nobody there to receive the giveaways except blacks and Hispanics. Last night they showed a Thanksgiving dinner box giveaway and I told Hubby....oh my god!! All the people they are showing walking away with the boxes are white!!
He said....it was north of the river.
We have a small, rather poor, community north of our river that is predominantly white.