The Republican-controlled Congress should refuse to have the 2015 SOTU address before a joint Congress. Have Traitorobama send a copy of his SOTU in the form of rolled paper to one of the Congressional restrooms.
See suggestion #4 in the article list.
“The Republican-controlled Congress”
Technically, they will be in control of congress. But in reality, they won’t control anything. The Democrats and their pals in the media will continue to play them like a fiddle.
If I was a Democrat, I’d thank my lucky stars everyday for the GOP. Nothing better than having a weak and pliant opponent.
If 0bama were smart, he'd jump at this. He'd be able to whine about being mistreated, perhaps throw in some racism charges, and he would avoid being heckled with "YOU LIE" and "LIAR" for 90 minutes on tv...