by Selwyn Duke
17 November 2014
The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century. If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers threatens to depress further the wages of blue- collar Americans and put strains on an already overburdened safety net. (The opinion of the anti-illegal-alien crusader Barack HusseiObama from his 2006 autobiography The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream)
Obama had super majority in both cameras during the first two years of his presidency, but he didnt give the amnesty during his first 100 days as he promised to those living illegally in the country Furthermore, as senator, Obama opposed George W Bush when the republicans tried to give a legal status to those living illegally in U.S.
Blacks are going to be the main collateral victims of Obama's anti-Black amnesty. Black Americans are already suffering higher unemployment since Obama took power. Obamas new class of protected immigrants will take over their jobs and Blacks will be forced to share their welfare checks and food stamps with them
The Democrats want to trade American jobs to illegal aliens for votes (Daniel Greenfield) The Wisdom of Cicero is Timeless (SEN. Cruz Senate Floor 11/20/14)
From a lady who posted on Breitbart (I think) ...
The Soviets, Maoists, Castro and Pol Pot all hated the productive class and played to the underclass. They stirred up so much hatred in themselves and the underclasses that they killed the productive and then most had nothing. Hitler played race warfare against the Jews. 0bama is playing class warfare, race warfare, gender warfare, gender identity warfare. We may be screwed.