sick to stomach at the thought...
PREMISE Boobamba says he will legalize 5 million undocumented aliens living in the shadows in the USA. Aside from tackling the monumental legal issues....Congress needs to observe exactly how the WH will implement "mass clemency."
How exactly will Boobamba require these "shadow people" to demonstrate their eligibility? Besides overlooking the fundamental problem..... like lack of a legal residence.
(1) The level of foreign documentation these people have is somewhere between zero and nada. Hellholes where the citizenry crap in a hole in the ground do not usually handout documents.
(2) Ergo, we can safely conclude Boobamba is prepared to accept zero documentation as sufficient evidence to prove that one is a "shadow person."
(3) Conceivably not 5 million...but 25 million more "newly-discovered Americans" might emerge from the shadows thanks to Boobamba.
(4) And who might those newly-discovered people be? B/c if the Federal standard of proof is nothing, anyone can prove they are a "newly-discovered American."
All laws have unintended consequences. Congress should act to throw Obama's non-law back in his face the minute it is signed.