“And if we throw out both of them, THEN we get our drunk crybaby Speaker of the House. ANOTHER fiasco.....”
I don’t see how it matters the worse thing either of them could do is what Obama is already doing in assuming dictatorial law making authority.
Congress will either successfully assert its authority as to force Obama to comply with the laws already passed or We will enter an age where the legislative branch is irrelevant before a president who has effectively acquired its legislative power.
No matter how temporary or for that matter “emergency” that president may claim his new found power is. In practice just as in theory it never ends nor is it ever the last time. Why after all would a president who can redefine the law need Congress’s law?
Frankly if Obama gets away with this that is exactly the kind of presidents we will have from here on out. The result is an effectively 2 branch system assuming A president that feels empowered to redefine law will feel any inclination toward the Federal injustices he appoints. Not that he would need to being both exclusive and legislator tends to make Judiciary rather impudent from the start.
All that being said this country may be doomed either way due to a culture that values personal pleasure over family. So whether our country collapses legally or not culturally its already in an advanced stage of collapse.
Agreed. The only real chance Patriots have is Revolution - cleaning the whole mess out and starting over.
Before we get to that point, however, real pain will exist for the Citizens of this once-great Nation.