I’m not saying that he should have shot Arthur immediately; he should have waited until Oct. 10 (when the new PPT was elected) to do so. (Well, not Guiteau, an accomplice.)
Of course, had the PPT become president, it would be much more difficult to argue that having legislative officers in the line of succession is unconstitutional, which I believe it is, and James F’ing Madison believed so as well (and argued as much when the Federalist Congress legislated so that the PPT and Speaker followed the VP, and Cabinet officers were left off completely, so that Federalists, not Democratic-Republican Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, followed Pres. Washington and VP Adams in the line of succession).
Aye, I think it was stupid to reintroduce the Speaker and President Pro Tem (by that time always an ancient fossil) to the line, why Truman wanted the change which put Joe Martin next in line is a mystery to me (cause no one elected the Sec of State but a Congressional District worth of people had elected Martin, dumb). The provision that a newly elected Speaker would supplant a Cabinet member acting as President is just weird. The Sec of State should be number 2 in line and should actually become President rather than Acting President (if that is possible).
In 1881 the Senate was tied 37-37 with 1 VA Readjuster (who was persuaded to side with the GOP, and indie David Davis of IL (who sided with the rats). I guess back then they met in March just to count the electoral votes and junk (but NOT elect a Speaker and President Pro Tem) and then blew town?
GOP vacancies occurred and in October when the Senate convened Delaware Rat Thomas Baynard (a supporter of Civil Service “Reform”) was elected President Pro Tem, he served for a few days, before being replaced by David Davis. GOP let the rats keep the office (and Senate Secretary and Sarge at Arms) in return for GOP keeping control of the committees. Chaos! Chaos!