So you want streaming then you may have to pay for it. The ISP’s can't absorb all those costs and that is what the debate is. So you want fast speed then we all pay $100 a month or more for it.
I am sure that Netflix (or Google, or Amazon, or any other large website) is paying for their bandwidth.
That IS one of the issues, yes. If they are providing a service it is up to them to keep their infrastructure up to date, much like the electric company or the gas company. It’s a very complicated issue and I’m frankly shocked Obama came out the way he did on this.
Netflix isn’t using that bandwidth. I am.
If my ISP has a problem with that, I can always go elsewhere.
What I don’t need is the government between me and that transaction. Why not? Historically, that’s a very excellent way to prevent me from going elsewhere. Once the ISP can leverage the government to remove their competition, then they can charge me what they like. I’ll pay, or do without.
I don’t care what this idea purports to do. The end result of government interference is always to restrict my marketplace choices. Otherwise, why regulate it at all?