Predicted. Promised. And nearly delivered.
No matter what.
maybe- maybe not....
this makes imperial obama look like a bigger POS if he goes executive order on amnesty before the GOP get into voting power next January...
Ryan who? Oh yes. Now I remember him. He was the guy who could not even hold his own in the VP debate with Biden the Moron. Hey Paul, go bury yourself in a Wisconsin snow bank.
Calling Freepers to FREEP PAUL RYAN!!!!!
Calling Freepers to FREEP PAUL RYAN!!!!!
Ryan increased taxes with those “airline fees” he supported in the current spending plan....pathetic again....
Ryan has talked about balancing the budget ten or more years down the road....also pathetic.....
Heck, Rand Paul has at least said it can done in five years.
I say do it now.
Hey Paul. Shut the damned borders down with TROOPS!! And get these illegal worthless bastards out of our country and off our TIT. NOW!!