Let's see. She did it, he recorded it on his phone to share with his buds in the locker room, and now I guess the framily is gonna claim emotional distress. Axe for $3 million, settle for $750K. Just getting ahead in the d.c. charter schools I guess. Ahem.
1 posted on
10/29/2014 9:37:52 AM PDT by
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To: rktman
Is the teacher in jail? fired?
2 posted on
10/29/2014 9:39:35 AM PDT by
(Vote for Conservatives not for Republicans)
To: rktman
Could have been worse, it could have been a male teacher.
To: rktman
To: rktman
This was also her first day on the job.
To: rktman
That’s a real blow.................
6 posted on
10/29/2014 9:43:39 AM PDT by
Red Badger
(If you compromise with evil, you just get more evil..........................)
To: rktman
I wonder how many times the kid tried that before he found someone that would?
To: rktman
Doesn’t asking for money make the kid a prostitute and his family the pimps?
To: rktman
“The oral sex incident became public knowledge because the student bragged to several people about it.”
He gets pleasured, he gets bragging rights, he gets $3 million for it. What a deal.
11 posted on
10/29/2014 9:46:30 AM PDT by
To: rktman
12 posted on
10/29/2014 9:47:14 AM PDT by
(tagline is taking a break until after the election)
To: rktman
Oh, those wacky Democrats!
13 posted on
10/29/2014 9:47:14 AM PDT by
Jeff Chandler
(Doctrine doesn't change. The trick is to find a way around it.)
To: rktman
A “Lewinsky” AND $3 Million! That’s what I call a profitable 10 minutes...
15 posted on
10/29/2014 9:48:13 AM PDT by
To: rktman
She certainly shouldn’t do this but the ages are 22/17. Charged as first degree sexual abuse of a minor.
17 posted on
10/29/2014 9:48:41 AM PDT by
To: rktman
18 posted on
10/29/2014 9:49:41 AM PDT by
(fascism is the union,marriage,merger or fusion of corporate economic power with governmental power)
To: rktman
Wait a minute, HE wants $3 million for RECEIVING a BJ? Isn’t that sort of like winning the lottery then wanting an extra $3 million for winning it?
21 posted on
10/29/2014 9:50:38 AM PDT by
(Not all Muslims are terrorists but all Muslims are potential terrorists.)
To: rktman
$3 million but she can deduct $50 as her fee.
24 posted on
10/29/2014 9:51:54 AM PDT by
To: rktman
Old enough to join the Marines but he can’t take a BJ. That’s what Obama calls a perfect candidate for the military.
25 posted on
10/29/2014 9:53:01 AM PDT by
(Not all Muslims are terrorists but all Muslims are potential terrorists.)
To: rktman
To heck with the teachers...where were these LAWYERS when I was in high school?
26 posted on
10/29/2014 9:53:48 AM PDT by
who knows what evil?
(Yehovah saved more animals than people on the ark...www.siameserescue.org.)
To: rktman
Of all the ridiculous unfounded baseless lawsuits , this one rings right up to the top of the dungpile. Ha! Thanks for sharing the joke. Any day that begibs with humor is a better day.
28 posted on
10/29/2014 9:54:21 AM PDT by
((Brilliant, Profound Tag Line Goes Here, just as soon as I can think of one..))
To: rktman
I guess they didn’t have time to see if he was a cunning linguist.
29 posted on
10/29/2014 9:54:36 AM PDT by
Veggie Todd
(The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. TJ)
To: rktman
It’s my take that the risky behavior made this more appealing.
Man, what a bad choice.
I am surprised how often this happens these days. Still, with hundreds of thousands of teachers out there, there are bound to be a few rotten apples.
31 posted on
10/29/2014 9:55:20 AM PDT by
(Dunam, Duncan, man what infections these folks brought over.)
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