Notice how EVERYTHING is about sex with these people? They can not seem to get through a day without some mention of their particular sexual perversion..
Thank you for reminding me about this. It’s like black people always talking about being black. If they didn’t care, why talk about it? In regards to homosexuality, the emphasis on their sexuality, is key, why? Because if it was normal, it wouldn’t matter. The shrinks need to research this abnormality but they won’t because any sexual deviance has to become normal.
“Notice how EVERYTHING is about sex with these people? They can not seem to get through a day without some mention of their particular sexual perversion..”
You are correct......Ever notice the “equal” sticker in blue and gold on the back of some cars indicating homosexual support? Obviously, the first thing that driver wants for you as a total stranger to know about them is what they do with their genitals.
Can’t get through a day without claiming their misfortunes are the result of some conspiracy against them. It’s a whole lot like claiming that Brown and Martin were killed just for their ethnicity.