To: eyedigress; 2LT Radix jr; acad1228; AirForceMom; AliVeritas; aomagrat; ariamne; armyavonlady; ...
Welcome Troops, Veterans, Families, and Allies!
Music posted for your enjoyment. Thank you for serving our country.
Thanks, unique.
Parents, you are responsible for previewing.
Marshal Tucker Band ~ Texas On My Mind
*To support the artists you hear in the Canteen,
please click the links at the top of the thread.*
If you would like to be added/removed from the
Canteen Music Ping List, please
FReepmail any DJ.
302 posted on
10/25/2014 9:02:30 PM PDT by
Kathy in Alaska
(((~ RIP Brian...heaven's gain...the Coast Guard lost a good one.~)))
To: Kathy in Alaska
There is a *ping* awaiting your response.
303 posted on
10/25/2014 9:08:33 PM PDT by
(Why does every totalitarian political hack think that he knows how to run my life better than I do?)
Music bumps for all the songs in the Canteen.
312 posted on
10/26/2014 1:13:20 AM PDT by
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