Sorry about that.
Maybe they should gain control of their muslims.
All Israel’s fault. According to Kerry.
All Israel, all the time.
No matter what malicious, sadistic savage animalistic heathen paganistic ritual the muzzie pigs engage in, it’s all Israel’s doing.
Pretty frickin convenient for the sadistic malicious muzzie pigs.
Oh oh. Time to break out the #Bring Our Girls Home signs.
Pay no attention to this. The REAL danger to girls and women is right here in the USA, spearheaded by those evil straight, white, Christian men...
Are there no police to defend their girls? No national guard, no nothing? Yet, when America offered to help find and rescue the girls last May, the Nigerian President said, No Thank you. We’ve got this, we know what wer’e doing. Really? I’m beginning to wonder if this Nigerian President may be recieving payoffs to look the other way.
Didn’t they hear about Moochelle’s Twitter campaign?
Obama shrugs. What’s the problem?
Does Michelle 0bama know about this?
And once again their friends and family won’t lift a finger to go after them.
Has the Worst Lady, mooch-elle, hash-tagged as yet? I remember how effective that was the first time.
why is this even news?
>Doubts grow about government truce with Boko Haram
You can not make a truce with the devil. You kill them and their offspring. No quarter.