The thing about you purists is that most of you have given up on the idea that conservatism can win. You’ve lost faith in the country. Your only hope is in a SHTF scenario to shock the country back to its senses.
I’m not going to listen to lectures on strategy from people whose embedded premise is that the situation is hopeless.
Again, what purists? Funny that we who are fighting to retain what makes the country America...principled governance...are the bad guys huh?
No, we do not view life through a paper towel tube.
We have a broader view of what conservatism can be
So? Don't listen.
Watch your GOP-E spineless wretches and enemies of the republic lose by ever increasing margins each and every election. When you (that's YOU, not we) have lost often enough and had your taxes raised high enough and regulations tightened hard enough, perhaps you will get the message that it is time for some new navigation. $$$$$ is not enough of a reason to elect a candidate. Nor is the fact that the candidate, however horrible, is NOT Obozo or the Arkansas Medusa.
If you nominate a radical leftist like Myth Romney to run against a Demonrat radical like the Arkansas Medusa, the base as well as the public gets the message. We will have a radical left regime one way or the other, Do we want the competent brand name article: Hillary? Or do we want the phony knockoff radical incompetent Myth Romney? The base will suffer nausea and refuse to vote. The public will choose competent radicalism.
Keep on letting Wall Street and K Street nominate unprincipled trash like Myth Romney and keep on being beaten by Demonrat radicals. Republicans love people TOOOO is not as successful a slogan as See the USA in your Chevrolet! Never has been. Never will be!
Conservatism most certainly CAN WIN. Reagan did it twice by landslides. The problem is that conservatism has to be tried in order for it to win. Wall Street and K Street and the US Chamber of Crony Socialism exist to see to it that conservatism is NEVER tried again. It worked far too well under Reagan not to be a clear and present danger to each and every corrupt, tax-funded, special interest and business crook in the land.
AND, that's CONSERVATIVES not "purists."