To: RushIsMyTeddyBear; Solson
Use vit c crystals...not tablets
29 posted on
10/15/2014 9:11:00 AM PDT by
(R.I.P. Doherty, Smith, Stevens, Woods)
To: goodnesswins
To: goodnesswins
We need to quit calling it the Ebola epidemic or the HN whatever the hell it is killing kids all over America, and start calling with EVERY thread, political speech and news article The Democrats Biological Warfare on America. Please help.
32 posted on
10/15/2014 9:12:23 AM PDT by
( Islam makes barbarism look genteel.)
To: goodnesswins
What’s the difference between the crystals and tablets? Where do you get the crystals? Do you know the dosage, frequency?
111 posted on
10/15/2014 1:06:45 PM PDT by
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