Speak for yourself, slumber.
I would never expose my adult children and grandchildren. I would quarantine myself, make my peace with God, and do my best to die gracefully.
I would fight any temptation to save myself at the expense of innocent others.
When I even have the slighest sign of a sniffle, I tell my children, so they will not bring the grandchildren over, I love them that much.
It takes a very selfish person to even think of infecting another for the sake of one's own life.
In his defense, he went to the hospital and he got some medicine and was sent home. Was he told to self-quarantine? Even if he lied about exposure to Ebola, it should have been assumed as a possibility on that flight out of Africa.
I would make a bee line to the capital and rub every door knob I could and then the MSM outlets. Too bad I could get to Barry’s house. Those in charge need to feel the pain we are and will be feeling.