“The examiner also ordered Adamson to attend diversity training conducted by wait for it the Lexington Human Rights Commission.
Take just a moment and let that sink in a Christian business owner is being ordered to attend diversity training because of his religious beliefs. Thats a pretty frightening concept and a mighty dangerous precedent.
That is certainly one of the dangers of an order like that for the government to step in and order (what is essentially) a re-education of its citizens, Campbell told me. Thats a dangerous precedent for the government to engage in.”
Hey Gays....leave your DEVIANT behavior at home, HomO!!
Forced speech.
So does that mean I can go to a muslim butcher and demand his finest Christmas ham?
Our new tactic has to be along these lines.
So now gays are free to come out of the closet but you’re for forcing others to keep their religious beliefs in the closet?
How enlightened. How hypocritical. Let’s use all the arguments they use about gays and being open and free to express themselves, blah blah blah, and turn it into the very same arguments for christians. use their own logic against them.
and either make them have to allow us our freedoms, or be shown for the hypocrites they are. if they oppose it explain how hypocritical they’re being when it’s people they disagree with. We have to let others we disagree with be free, they simply won’t allow others to do that if they don’t agree with them.
that’s the definition of tyranny. if it’s my logic and i like/agree with them, they can do that and you can’t object, but if you use my logic but i disagree with them, you can’t do that and you can’t object i’m being hypocritical and morally inconsistent.
This is where I have no problem with American companies shipping millions of jobs overseas. Hey -- if you're going to have to deal with a totalitarian Communists, you might as well do business with the ones in China, Cambodia and Latin America who will cost you less money in the long run.
Will any damn Repuklican candidate speak out? Where is the PATHETIC Mitch McConnell on this vile ruling?!
“...leave your religion at home.”
How about they leave their perversity at home. The Founders never wrote about, “Freedom of Perversity”.
Hitler had the same attitude.
Unconstitutional—violates the right to free speech and religious freedom. Even if a court won’t declare it so, it is. Free men MUST resist.
If things are going to get to this point, I will resist. I’m getting old. I don’t care if I could go to jail.
And if a gay or lesbian owned business declined to print leaflets for a street preacher speaking against homosexuality?
A restaurant declined to cater a KKK dinner?
Would that be a problem?
The Commissioner’s name is R. Greg Munson. The order is a tour de force in illogic. Mr. Munson would make a perfect judge.
Funny how these gays don’t go to Muslim to order their products or services and sue them if they refuse....
Go into a Muslim grocery and ask for pork chops...
I don’t seem to hear too much about that whole “separation of church and state” thingy much these days..
He should proclaim he’s a Christian-American; it’s who he is. When/where will this nonsense end? Or will it?
Tell that to our Muslim neighbors who managed to get foot baths placed in airport facilities; their children excused from all the many Muslim holidays while in public schools; people with alcohol or any kind of dog (guide dog, for example) kicked out of their taxi cabs and oh, didn’t they succeed in getting bacon removed from some menus and such?
Sounds like they had lawyers that weren’t clever enough. They should have developed a trademark that would be offensive to the queer crowd but not others, and their trademark that had to be printed on all shirts. the queers would exclude themselves...
The Human Rights Commission in Lexington, Kentucky, should try gargling with peanut butter before they speak again.