Once again FReepers are all over the map here in their "for" and "against" responses to this woman's decision.
We believe there are Moral Absolutes, right? Sometimes it seems so hard to define them.
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Both my mother and then later my stepmother died of Glioblastoma Multiforme. This disease takes everything from a person: their health, their looks, their freedom, their memory, and eventually their intellect. Although this condition is terrible, I am very thankful for every moment I had with each of them until the end naturally came. Despite all of the suffering and humiliation that a terminal illness puts everyone involved through, I know that both of them were also thankful for every moment they had too.
I hate these weasel words. Why not wait and see, enjoy her time with her husband and have unlimited access to the full spectrum of narcotics that modern science can provide? We all know darn well that there is plenty of stuff that can take her to oblivion and if she wakes up in an iota of unbearable pain, she can go right back until the end.
If I were in that situation, I'd tell the doctors, do the most radical thing you can to me, take half my brain if you want, do anything that has the remotest chance of working and lets try to advance the science.
I am hoping and praying that as November 1st approaches she will slowly change her mind.
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I’m sure everyone feels compassion for this young woman.
But there have been many people with cancer who fought to the very end. Their battles didn’t make the news. Tens of thousands of people weren’t spreading their stories on Facebook.
This woman’s story is being circulated far and wide because it plays into the “right to death” agenda, especially with the beautiful photos and all.
While we all feel sorry for this woman, the fact is that, instead of keeping a private decision private, she’s helping to push an agenda that eventually will lead to more patients being encouraged to choose death.
Sometimes patients live much longer than their doctors anticipate. So, when the day comes, I hope this woman changes her mind. And if she does, would the “right to death” people who are using her story now support her decision to live? They have too much invested in her choosing to die.
As a matter of fact, here’s ANOTHER YOUNG WOMAN diagnosed with the same type of brain cancer - stage 4 glioblastoma - and given six months to live.
She beat the odds:
A friend of mine died from this cancer...it was not at all pleasant and her husband and family suffered greatly before she passed.
A terrible way to die.
I am praying for this woman and her family...