So government policy and enforcement is now determined by threat of legal action. Who do I sue to lower my taxes?
"NOBODY! VEE makes ze decizions arount hier!"
You are to something there. Let’s make it a class action suit.
It’s called sue and settle.
No doubt coordinated with help from the inside. Wouldn’t be surprised to find out this Center for Bio Diversity was a puppet company of the EPA. I would bet the hire from the same candidate pool.
Okay. Ground Air Force One and all executive flights for Michelle Obama, all the flights for members of the executive, the legislative, the judiciary and non essential military flights. Generals with a few stars on their shoulders do not fly commercial.
Relative to Al Gore's (The Patron Saint fighting to save the world from Global Warming) his trips in a Gulfstream jet that he uses are a carbon burning monster compared to going down to American Airlines and booking a seat. He also frequently flies to California to his beach front property. Why would someone that is totally convinced in the rise of the oceans buy that property? The answer is simply. He knows he is lying and has acquired immense wealth due to his lies. He lies for money and lays on the beach.
Obama believes in cheap mass transport for the masses. I will gladly buy his next ticket to a Los Angeles fund raiser via AmTrak.